Saturday, October 6, 2012

They May Be Wrong

Who do you think determines right or wrong? You ever thought about it? I don't think anyone would question whether it's right or wrong if you destroyed someone's property of caused physical harm to another creature. But in the huge scheme of things who actually makes the determination?

In our society we have laws that tell us what is against the law. If you go above the speed limit AND get caught, you obviously are breaking the law and will probably endure some type of fine or punishment. However, if you don't get caught and you cause no harm was your speeding actually wrong? You broke the law, and you knew you were breaking the law and you still did it.

Just as governments makes laws the other driving force for right and wrong is religion and the doctrines each one teaches. I have a degree in Christianity so I speak from "education" not ignorance.

When I see and hear the right wing dogma that many of the evangelistic personalities are proclaiming, I shutter. And I shutter even more when I see the numbers of poor innocent souls that buy into every word they say.

My only hope is that one day people will learn to think for themselves. Don't take for granted that everything a preacher or politician (that should be a joke, but I'm afraid it's not) says is the truth. Question everything you hear, see and read. Ask about their source, then check it out.

I got an email "forward" from a right wing, religious fanatic (my opinion) encouraging action because of a particular fact that was stated. I decided to check out the "fact" and it was not fact, just someone's perception of the fact.

Anyway just because you're Joel Osteen (very rich nice guy with a great smile and positive message) or John Hagee (full blown religious idiot that will burn in whatever hell he envisions) be sure to do your own thinking.

No preacher, politician, blogger or individual has the corner on truth. Truth is something that is in accordance with fact or reality. Not the opinion of someone who commands the airwaves or written word.

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