Saturday, November 3, 2012

They Never Learn

I was listening to the conversation of some of our friends the other day. It was girl talk, but I was paying attention. Observing, as I like to call it. Seems like a lot of people are not really enjoying their relationship, marital or otherwise. These ladies had been married more than once and were still not happy with their current spouse.

I know when we're young we tend to make mistakes and some can cost us dearly. However, after we've made a mistake hopefully we'll learn and not make the same mistake again and again. I know many young girls (and guys) who obviously made a mistake about their partner when they were young. And hopefully they will take more time and utilize their previous experience to make a better decision the next time.

But if you paid attention to these particular women and their discussion you'd think they'll never learn. They were old enough, wise enough, and had enough experience to choose carefully when they married their current spouse. But they still screwed up. Or so they think.

Does this mean that some people will never enjoy a long satisfactory relationship their whole lives? It makes you wonder. And if not, why not? Is there something in their upbringing that created this issue.

I would always suggest that someone should try their best to make a relationship work because the grass is NOT always greener. But if it ain't happening AND there are no children involved, move on! And use better judgement the next time.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Nobody Really Pays Attention

I don't know about you but I read and observe a lot that goes on in the world utilizing the internet, tv, and other media sources. The interesting thing to note is that most of what you see and hear could tend to cause you to be pretty depressed. There's pretty horrible news being reported all the time.

And then there is the other side of that coin and that's the purveyors of all things good that will make you rich, make you thin, build your muscles and make you the most positive thinking, can-do person in the universe; for a price. The solutions these people/companies are offering usually appeal to our greedy side or our egos. We all want to be rich and pretty.

Sorry to tell you, folks, but don't waste your money. Some of you are never going to be rich and there's not enough money in the world to make some of you pretty. I hate to have to be the one to tell you, but someone should.

But there are a few of us "crying in the wilderness" that say forget the riches and good looks. Go for the happiness and all the other wonderful things life has to offer. Have a good time. Be free and open, learn and experience, cast off the bonds of an oppressive society. Just let go and have fun.

And I have found that when I finally "let go" and really started having fun, everything else kind of crept into place, too. When I'm feeling good about myself and life I want to do positive things that affect my material life. I want to eat healthier which in turn makes me more attractive. (at least I think being fit and lean is attractive, each to his own thoughts on that).

So bless you Tony Robbins, Chuck Norris, Christie Brinkley, Victoria Principle, Marie Osmond and all you internet and infomercial folks selling good looks, wrinkle-free faces, financial freedom, and six-pack abs. Certainly what you are offering may be worth the price, but for my money I think I'll just have some more fun!