Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Special Kindness

How can you not love dogs, or cats, or any animal for that matter? But I'm really not talking about the animals; I'm talking about the people that love them and those that don't.

I know people who wouldn't miss a birthday card, a funeral, or visiting the sick in the hospital but they wouldn't give a stray dog a second look. How do you figure that? These people seem to be full of so much love and care but not for anything but humans, humans in need.

Maybe it's the pat on the back or the thank-you or the recognition you get when you help or are around needy humans. Humans can be vocal about their gratefulness and make you feel good about yourself. I don't know, I'm not as much of a people person as some others.

But I do know this; there is no richer love than offered to you by an animal. My dogs really don't care what I think or write, how I look or smell, or what mood I'm in, they still jump up and down with joy each time they see me. To them I am the center of the universe. They never talk back or argue with me.

I have four dogs to care for because I have a soft place in my heart for animals. I picked up the last two because I wanted to provide a better environment for them. I have almost picked up others but I really don't have any more room (or money) and it wouldn't be fair to those that I already have.

My observation is that all humans should be required to care for some type of animal. There is a special love and understanding required for caring for animals and we need to use that part of us. If you don't you are selfish, self-centered and unwilling to do your part to make the world a better place.

If you don't walk in the door each day to an excited puppy dog jumping around your feet welcoming you home, you are missing one the most special feelings life has to offer.

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